T hose who create destruction fear it the most. As Syrian people are called ISIS now by the fascist Trump, he has to know who the real Syrians are. Syrians are humans who were failed by their government ,the opposition groups who traded Syrian lives for money and power. Where their land became the place for the clash of foreign powers and the dumpster for the radical militant groups who are created by those governments. People who were exactly like you until suddenly they got killed,arrested,interrogated,tortured,raped,drowned,rejected, diseased,migrated and still discriminated. People who are still out there suffering but yet fighting for a better life and achieving great things despite all of the obstacles. Humans like you who need nothing but to feel safe and loved. #SyrianpeoplearenotISIS
الكذب و النفاق مزيج مثالي لرؤية الواقع بصورة أوضح بعيداً عن مشاعرنا المتأجّجة التي تحكم قراراتنا و برهان قاطع يؤكد أننا اتخذنا القرار المناسب باعطائهم تذكرة رحيل دون عودة الى حياتنا...كونوا على يقين أنهم سيعودون بعد أسابيع أو أشهر لكن هذه المرّة دون علمهم أنهم فقدوا تأشيرة الدخول الى قلوبنا و سوف يبقون على الحدود الى اللانهاية...
" It turns out that we end up getting used to everything " Is this supposed to be true? or it's just a logical and cheering phrase that ought to push us forward,let us forget the sorrow and start all over again.So we can just face the facts,count the loses, and give up to the ugly reality.Forgive people who let us behind, coexist with heavy grudge feelings trying not to hold them back against them,seeking for relieve by burying the past which supposed to be the desired future.But getting over the disappointment and filling the gaps with new hopes suddenly become our new obsession;this obsession will drive us crazy,leave us stuck in the past and we could never get ourselves back to what we were. For what's worth i guess it's never about the time and adaptability it's just about memories and people who reserved their place in our hearts choosing to haunt us for good.
ما اجمل هذا الكلام ..تشوقت ان اعرفك